Why should I choose to train at Firestorm Ultra?For two main reasons, the Coaching and the Culture. At Firestorm, we are dedicated to helping create the best, most well rounded athletes, while having fun! Our culture is about learning from, and teaching, one another. Our goal is two fold: We want you to have FUN, and learn something new every time you come train with us! All Firestorm Coaches undergo our own personal 3 Week Coaching Certification training for each class type they teach. Every 3 months our Coaching team undergoes personalized class management, skill teaching, and spotting safety training under the supervision of our Regional Manager, Justin Taylor, who has 2 decades of professional Coaching experience under his belt.
What is Parkour? What is Freerunning?These two terms are used interchangeably to describe physical movement connecting running, jumping, climbing, crawling, and rolling. They do have some technical differences though. Parkour is all about efficient body movement. Imagine racing through an obstacle course, moving over and through obstacles as quickly as you can. Parkour teaches you how to move as efficiently and effectively as possible. Parkour is a race! Freerunning focuses on exploring creativity through movement. This is the time to let your imagination take flight. We take parkour as our base and mix on twists, flips, inversions, tricking, and tumbling to create aesthetically pleasing body movement. Freerunning is to Parkour as Breakdance is to Ballet.
Is Parkour/Freerunning and Acrobatics safe?We purposefully designed our facility to make parkour and freerunning more accessible to people of all ages and body types. The most important tenet of parkour and freerunning is to make sure you are well prepared to avoid injury. Our color ranks (Skill Curriculum) were carefully put together to safely teach and learn the basic skills in parkour. In fact, the first two ranks (White and Orange) are completely comprised of safety oriented skills. After students have mastered these skill and have them signed off by their Coach, they will progress to Freerunning. (Green rank and higher, flips and twists). Everything in our classes and curriculum is designed to take you safely from your very first class all the becoming a professional acrobat! It is our mission to teach people these tenets, how to respect their bodies, and their environments in ways that will help them develop safe and healthy training habits.
What age do I have to be to train? Am I too old/young?Training can being as young as 4 in our Little Heroes class. (Ages 4-6) Our Parkour/Freerunning and all Acrobatics classes are offered for all students starting at age 7 and have no upper limit. We have students in their 60s training here at Firestorm. Our classes and curriculum were designed with all ages and body types in mind. We start small and build progressively to maintain positive improvements and safety. We believe that at any age you can learn progressively and move for life. Our facility was designed for kids, teens, adults, and big kids of all ages!
What should I wear to class?Make sure to wear clothes that you feel comfortable moving around in. You will not want to wear any jewelry or clothing that may restrict your ability to move, or anything so loose it may get caught on a bar or edge of a wall. Make sure to bring closed-toed Athletic SHOES with you. Shoes that are lightweight, flexible, and have grippy bottoms are best. Do NOT wear sandals or crocs.
What do I need to do before coming to train at Firestorm?Before coming to train with us make sure to fill out our online waiver form. If you are under 18 you must have a parent, or legal guardian (A legal guardian is a person who has been appointed by a court or otherwise has the legal authority to make decisions, called a ward), fill out and sign your online waiver form for you. Schedule your first class online, or give our office a call to find an appropriate class time for you! Show up to Firestorm 15 minutes before your first scheduled class to meet your coach, learn the rules, and get ready for an hour of fun! Click here to begin signing up!
How do I register for a class? Can I take classes without being a member?Everyone is welcome to take classes at Firestorm! To take classes without a membership you will purchase a Max Day Pass. It is $55 and allows a student to take as many available classes and open gyms that they are age/rank appropriate for. This the best way to take classes from different coaches, and try out the many different programs that Firestorm has to offer. The $55 from your Max Day Pass also gets credited towards the one time $105 Registration Fee when you sign up for a full membership.
How do students rank up?Our curriculum for each class type we offer with the exception of Little Heroes has 7 color levels. Each one builds progressively upon the last, to build you from the ground up. (White, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, and Black) Each new students begins their journey as a White Rank. Both the White and Orange Rank classes focus primarily on safety techniques and body position/awareness. Once you have mastered all the skills for your level, you will be awarded the next rank. Moving up to a new rank unlocks new skills to learn! White – Beginner and Safety skills Orange – Intermediate and Safety skills Green – Intro to Freerunning, Advanced Skills Blue – Intermediate and Beginner flips Purple – Intermediate Flips and Flow Red – Advanced Flips and Flow Black – Professional Stunt Man, Acrobat, or Freerunner Read this Blog on Ranking Up and Curriculum Cards to learn more.
Do you offer makeup classes?Yes we do! To receive a makeup class, please inform us that the student will be absent via email at least one hour before the class begins. Then, after receiving a makeup class, you have until they expire to use them. All classes expire three months after the purchase date. (The 1st of the month when tuition is processed). During that time, let us know what day, class, and time you would like to use the makeup class. We do not schedule makeup classes further in advance than two weeks. All makeup classes can be shared between siblings and used for camps and Parent’s Night Out. Makeups for additional classes can only be used while on an active membership (not freeze). All members will automatically receive a makeup class if their regularly scheduled class(es) fall on one of our closed dates!
What do I do if I need to pause or cancel my classes?What we offer is a freeze if you need to pause or a complete discontinue to fully cancel your classes! A freeze is a $10 monthly charge that keeps the account active and will be taken off a future month of tuition. So, if the account is on two months of freeze, then $20 will be taken off when returning to classes. Please note that this is charged to the card on file, even if the monthly tuition is charged to the account. If an account is on freeze for longer than one month, the permanent class spot will be given up to other students on the waiting list. Then, if the freeze will ever need to be adjusted or extended, let the office know by email before the 1st of the next month, as freeze payments do not auto-renew. When your freeze has expired, your class membership payments will resume. The longest any account can be placed on freeze is six months. For each month, the account is on freeze, and all active classes will be extended by one month. For example, if the account is on freeze for two months, the expiration date of active classes will be extended by two months. On the other hand, a discontinuity is deactivating the account, meaning you would need to repay the $105 registration fee upon returning to Firestorm. You will remain an active member until the notice duration has ended and discontinuation occurs. All makeup classes immediately expire at the same time as the discontinuation activates, and the freeze does not count towards the discontinuation policy month notice. All memberships must be discontinued via email notice. More questions regarding membership and class policies? Click here: Membership Policies!
What is Family and Adult Open Gym?Open Gym is an open, all inclusive training time for adults and kids, beginners, students, and masters of all athletic backgrounds. Unlike classes with organized training, during Open Gym all equipment and areas of the gym are open for training, exploring, and playing. This is the time to collaborate with other students and practitioners and have fun trying new ideas or spending extra time refining skills learned in classes. SUPERVISED FREEPLAY! We offer two types of Open Gym. Family Open Gym (4+) and Adult Open Gym (18+) Open Gym is $15 per visit for both Kids and Adults, $5 per visit if you are currently enrolled in classes. For our weekly Open Gym Schedule, click here: OPEN GYM SCHEDULE
Do you offer special events, birthday parties, or Parent's Night Out?Firestorm offers all kinds of additional fun training and learning opportunities each month! We offer Parent's Night Out every 2nd Friday of the month from 6:30pm – 10:30pm. Drop off your kids for a night of Parkour, obstacle courses, games, NERF, foam swords, LEGOS, pizza dinner, and a movie on our projector screen. $65 per child, $45 for siblings. Camps are offered on every Federal Holiday, Spring Break, throughout Summer Break, and Winter Break. They run from 9:00am – 3:00pm, including classes, games, obstacle courses, trampoline, crafts, NERF, foam swords, and much, much more. Through the year we host Parkour competitions against other SoCal Parkour gyms. Competitions are broken down by age or skill requirements and allow athletes to compete in speed, skill, and freestyle events. It is hosted through WCPKC. We also host our own Parkour Competitions, Aerial Recitals, Backflip Workshops, Parkour Jams (indoors and outdoors) and more!
$105 Registration Fee is due when signing up for all class memberships
Trial Classes are the $55 Max Day Pass and will be credited toward the
one-time $105 Registration Fee!
Annual Insurance Fee of $50 is charged on January 1st.
All memberships include $5 open gym sessions, a white rank shirt, and a wristband. Max Memberships include free open gyms and 20% off all camps and PNOs!
Membership fees are charged once per month on the 1st of each month!
Please click here to see our Cancellation Policy for all of our memberships!
College Student? Ask our front office about discounted pricing options!
Learn more about our charter program here.
For all charter students not using charter school funds and paying out of pocket!!
event pricing
camp duration
Half Day (9AM - 12AM)
Full Day (9AM - 3PM)
day camp
full week camp
# of Children
First Child
Each Sibling
# of Children
B-DAY 10 Participant Min.
Custom Event 6 Participant Min.
$85 Registration
$10 Spectator Fee (Pre-Pay)
$15 Spectator Fee
$65 Parkour Registration
$45 Little Hero Registration
$10 Spectator Fee
$50 Registration